Friday, December 26, 2014

Person Of Interest S4 Midseason Finale Review

Hey People,

So I was wrong. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. It turns out Shaw wasn't as mad as I thought she would be when she woke up. I guess since everything worked out in the end (at least for our team), she wasn't mad. At least, she got her favorite sandwich out of it. So let's get to it.

This episode was a test. It showed us how much power Samaritan really wields over us. We all knew it was capable of destruction, but what surprised me was how good of a job it did at doing our heroes jobs. Granted, it did need to kill to get the job done, which is a downfall, but it definitely was a lot quicker. Think about it people! You would never be late for work again because Samaritan had everything working on time. However, I do tend to run late so I'm always grateful when the train is running late as well, but still, the point is life would be easier with Samaritan, but too bad it doesn't value human life.

Samaritan is about having control over every aspect of a person's life to the point that if it doesn't better the society as a whole than there is no point of having that person exist. The Machine sees things differently. It recognizes that a person needs to make a choice (free will), because not giving one is controlling the outcome, and therefore controlling people.

Finch thinks no one should watch over others period because there is no such thing as a good or bad machine. Like in the hypothetical he gave: if a good machine thought it should end world hunger and to do that it kills half the people on Earth that doesn't make it good. This whole season so far has been asking us the question of which side we're on (The Machine, Samaritan, or neither) and to tell you the truth, I would be on The Machine's side. Finch forgets that people can be just as cruel killing people over different religions. Machines don't give a crap about different gods people worship, or the race someone is, or sexuality they have, or gender. Having something that is actually neutral to those things is quite pleasant in my book. Bad people may not have the nukes today, but that doesn't mean they won't have it tomorrow. As long as The Machine doesn't ask me to make it my god, I don't mind. Did anyone else think Samaritan has a serious god complex?

When Samaritan and The Machine met for their discussion, I was thinking that the girl, who was following the Samaritan's clues from a previous episode would be having the chat with Root, but instead, it was a little boy, who could definitely hold his own. Samaritan plans to destroy The Machine and The Machine knows it can't win, which was actually really sad for me to hear. Samaritan only wanted to meet The Machine so it could learn from its mistakes. The Machine may not see a win, but the good thing about humans is we're unpredictable. We still go for wins even when the odds are against us.

Reese, Fusco, and Root split up to save as many people as they can and Shaw decides to leave her hiding place, which means trouble won't be far behind. I think it also means Root will most likely ditch whatever she's doing to go save Shaw. It was nice to know that even when Root is in trouble Shaw still feels the need to save her.

There was a flashback that didn't focus on any of our heroes, but instead on our villain--Greer. He was a double agent working for the KGB and the British Secret Service. His loyalty lied with the Brits, but when he found out his boss was also a double agent, he realized loyalty can be bought. So he was loyal to no one, that is until Samaritan. Machines don't care about money so they can't be bought.

This was only the 1st part of the trilogy so make sure you watch the next 2 episodes. We all know what happened last time they did a trilogy--Carter died. Person of Interest comes back on Jan. 6th.

Luv ya,

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