Sunday, October 5, 2014

The TV Fan's Five Stages Of Grief

Hey People,

I thought this was really funny when I read it and wanted to share it with you.

The TV Fan's Five Stages Of Grief
Denial – "The show's fine, it won't be cancelled"; "They'd never cancel a show with a squinty jillion average viewers that wins its timeslot"; "They'd never cancel a show from JJ Abrams"; "The network executives love this show"
Anger – "Why this show? It's not fair, when reality crap continues to get renewed!"; "How can this happen to my show? "; "The morons who run the network are to blame!"
Bargaining – "If they cancel this show, I'll never watch anything on this network again!"; "If we send them bags of crap/sign internet petitions/barrage them with emails/perform other goofy stunts it will save the show!" "Netflix will save it!"
Depression – "I'm so sad, why should I ever start watching a new TV show again?"; "If every show I ever like gets cancelled... What's the point?"; "Maybe I should just stick to DVDs of old shows"
Acceptance – "It's going to be okay, it's had a good run of seasons"; "At least we got the story wrapped up, unlike lots of other shows".

Luv ya,

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